Hot Iron Table of Tech Topics

Hot Iron’s editors are Peter Thornton, G6NGR and Frank Barnes, W4NPN.  Send membership or content questions to Frank at and send technical questions to Peter at 

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Topic of Interest Issue
Amplifier: Amplifier Classes 111
Amplifier: Emitter Follower, buffer 61, 68, 110
Amplifier, Bi-directional 107
Antenna: Grounding 111
Antenna: Current Indicator Circuit, Stripline SWR Measurements, 55, 109, 100, 118
Antenna: Folded Dipoles, “Universal” HF antenna (no ground) 107, 115
Antennas for Small Spaces; mini-80 meter dipole 34, 115
Antenna: Impedance Bridge (see Google for Sevick’s(SK) and Lythall’s (SM0VPO) work also) 100, 106, 109
Antenna: Resistive Matching Bridge 100, 109, 110
Antenna: Antenna Matching Metering 51
Antenna: Measuring Antenna Current 23, 116
Antenna: Current Meter 55, 56, 116
Antenna: The Inverted VEE (also see Cebik’s work under “Antennas” on this website). 107
Antenna: Loop Counterpoises 111
Antenna: Wire tuner & counterpoise tuner, with RF Amp meter,  Random Wire Tuner, ATU 90, 100, 114
Antenna: Loops & Nested Loops (85) 85, 95, 96
Antenna: Nested Dipole – all bands 68
Antenna: Matching Unit, losses,  efficiency 23, 24, 94
Antenna: Antennas, Tuners & ATU’s 101, 116
Antennas: Mini-Whip, Low height, RF Current Meter, Active RF Antenna 108, 100
Antenna: Random wires, counterpoises, etc 90
Antenna: RF Power Meter, SWR 99, 116
Antenna: Switching/transfer 103
Antenna: Top Loaded (1) & (2); Top Hats 96, 97
Antenna: 80 Meter Mobile, Mobile Bobtail 60, 114
Antenna: Low VHF Antenna Ideas 67
Antenna: Doublet Antenna Ideas 66
Antenna: Changeover Relays and Relay Contact Protection 103
Antenna: Balanced to Unbalanced Transformation 39
Antenna: Toroidal Transformers and Matching 39
Antenna: QRP Dummy Load Power Meter 3
Antenna: Variable High Voltage Capacitors – Pi Network Couplers 104
Antenna: The EP Antenna 49
Antenna: UHF; using copper water pipe 101
Antenna: Masts & Guys; Corrosion, Gin-Poles 110, 117
Attenuators, 50 ohm, etc 48
Audio: High-gain Audio Amp 85
Audio: Audio Amp Chips – Information & Comparisons 65, 116
Audio: A Versatile Audio Amplifier 20
Audio: Valve Heaven 112
Audio: The Audio Cube, W4AMV 111
Audio: Audio Preamplifier 85
Audio: Tuning Headphones & Select-O-Jet 100
Audio: Humbuckers & Mixed Topics 103, 117
Audio: Microphones & AGC for mikes 64, 79, 104
Audio: Microphones & More 73, 101, 103, 104, 117
Audio: Speech Processing, Filters 116, 118
Audio: Solid State Amp Chips; LM386 65, 114, 116
Audio: Audio Millivoltmeter 21
Audio: Adding Audio AGC to a Receiver 88, 22
Audio: Power Transformers as Audio Output Transformers 107
Batteries 117
Capacitors: Value calculations, formulas 42
Capacitors: Variable HV, using switches 104
Capacitors Electrolytic, Testing, Storage, Old ones, Reforming 80, 100, 107, 115
Capacitors: “X” and “Y” types for AC lines 107, 108
Capacitance Calculations 108
Capacitors: Polarity, Foil end 100
Capacitors: Home made HV Capacitors 111
Capacitance Multiplier, Regulator Output Smoothing; Wrap-around, Gyrater 106, 108, 110
Components:  Electrolytics, ESR, etc 79, 110
Components: Op Amp Theory 51
Components: Home Made RF Chokes & Low Ohms Resistors 112
Components: Ceramic Resonators; pulling 53, 62
Components: Crystals 100 (2 articles), 116, 117
Components: Common Diodes as Varactors 52, 53
Components: LED Photo Diodes 100
Components: Digital & Analog Potentiometers 35, 117
Components: Diode Switching 41
Components: FET Biasing 40
Components: Fuses: Multiple Uses for 100
Components: HV Diodes (microwave, others) 108
Components: Inductance Calculations, Free Inductors, Much more 78, 100, 114
Components: Inductive Reactance, markings 43
Components: Transformers, 50/60 cycle, Dull Lamp Test, Calculations, etc 100
Components: Logic Chip Families, Desoldering 22, 117
Components: Pinout diagrams of transistors 63
Components: Testing Mosfets 66
Components: TOKO IF Can Freq Ranges 13, 65
Components: Toroid winding 23, 25
Components: Zener Diodes; testing 18
Components: Voltage Regulators; irregularities 107
Components: Logic Families – Characteristics 22
Components: Op Amp Configurations; Single-Rail Op Amps 87, 100
Components: Designing Series Resonant RF Tracks 23
Components: Solid State Replacements for 6AK5, EL95 & others 78, 84, 100
Components: Sourcing Low-value NPO Capacitors 67
Components: Beware of Buffers: Stopping VHF oscillations in them 68,61
Components: MOSFET Devils, Testing MOSFETs 82, 66
Components: JFETs Configured as Dual Gate MOSFETS 91
Components: More about Dual Gate MOSFETS 48
Components: MOSFET Pairs 107
Components: FET Biasing & More about FET’s 40 & 48
Components: Testing/Removing Electrolytics 80, 100, 110
Components: HV “Door Knob” Capacitor Substitutes 104
Components: Variable Capacitors and All That… 92
Components: Not all transistors with same number have same lead orientation;  Replace GE Transistors with Si NPN’s 80, 100
Components: Easy Inductance Calculations 78
Components: Using DC Bias to adjust toroid inductors 111
Components: TOKO Coil Ranges 65
Components: Radio Frequency Chokes 47
Components: Testing Transistors, Ft Measurement 75, 100
Components: Calculating Needed Resistor Wattage 53
Construction Techniques 107, 110, 119
Construction Techniques, Manhattan 107, 110
Construction Techniques, Copper Connecting Straps 111
Construction: Salvaging wire, B+ wire 110
Construction: Stripping Parts & Wiring 111
Construction: Elevated pcb bus rails 104
Construction: Avoiding RF wires to front panels 98
Construction: Home-built Printed Circuit Boards 83
Construction:  Stainless Steel Soldering, Q-Max Cutters, Tank Cutters, Hole Saws, Terminal Rails, Strange QRM? 100
Crystal Checker Using Oscilloscope & Signal Generator 25
Decibels 49
Digital:  DSP 98
Diode Switching 41
Dummy Load; Misc & QRP load w/meter (3) 3, 32, 77
Ferrite Cores; identifying, uses 79
Filters:  CW, Notch, etc 14, 34, 56, 58, 106
Filters: Discussion of 43
Filters: RF Bandpass, TOKO pinouts 13
Filters: Analog Switched Capacitor Filters 111
Frequency Counter – adding one 106
Freq Counter & Oscilloscope buffer 106
Frequency Counter Buffer/Amplifier 36
Freq Display, w/varicap tuning 34
Fuses 107
Grid Dip Oscillator – how it works 31, 32, 106
Grounding: of circuit boards 99
Harmonics 82
Inductance Calculations 108
Interference – LED’s and HF 115
Interstage Coupling 20
Low Pass Filter 74
Magnetic Amplifier 100
Mixers (jfet) 107
Mixers (Pullen) 107
Mosfets: Biasing (85), Testing (52) 52, 85, 115
Mosfets: High Voltage, xmtrs 89
Mosfets: Theory 36, 48, 82, 115
Morse Code; Practice; 6U8A Osc 115
NE602 usage 72
Noise Source for Impedance Bridge 107
Oscillator: VFO Construction 118
Oscillator: A novel crystal osc 114
Op Amps 87
Operating: PSK31 37
Oscillator: Ceramic Resonators 102
Oscillator: The Synthetic Rock 112
Oscillator, Crystal: Pushing & Pulling 108
Oscillator: Resistance Stabilized 108
Oscilloscope Probes 75
Power Supply:  Wall Warts 85
Power Supply:  “Ideal” Pwr Supply, Notes on Grounding, the Dinky Doubler, QRP or QRO 112
Power Supply: Class “X” and “Y” Capacitors 107
Power Supply: HV, Soft-start 101, 117, 119
Power Supply: the Pink Brazilian doubler+full wave 102
Power Supply: Ideas, Protection, Smoothing 72, 81, 115
Power Supply: Some Topics; Review of 12V Supplies 111, 117, 118
Power Supply: Overvoltage & Overcurrent Protection 86
Power Supply: Protection, Crowbars, Light Bulbs – simple protection circuits 13, 28, 69, 94
Power Supply: “Silent Supplies;”  Economy Pwr Supply 100
Power Supply:  Transformers, Low Voltage AC for testing 110, 115
Power Supply: Regulated and B+ 42, 106, 110
Power Supply: Some Voltage Regulator Thoughts 76, 116
Power Supply: Screen grid power supplies & regulation…to extend the life of power tubes 101
Receiver: A Frequency Standard for 66, 122
Receiver: Original, and Updated Neophyte Receiver 112
Receiver: 6U8 Regenerative Receiver-All about it 112
Receiver: Hartley Regen Receivers; also A Guide to Successful Regen Receivers 112
Receiver: DC & SSB – the 4th Method? 112
Receiver:  Franklin 105
Receiver: 602 as RF amp, Single Chip Receiver 93, 115
Receiver: Adding AGC 88
Receiver: Bandswitching Coils 84
Receiver: building SDR’s 99
Receiver: Fine Tuning 92
Receiver: Ford DC rcvr 99, 116
Receiver: HF 106, 119
Receiver: Misc ideas re wiring & circuits 98
Receiver: Phasing DC, for sideband rejection 79
Receiver: Projects 95, 107, 115
Receiver: Projects, MOSFETS 91, 90
Receiver: Regenerative Designs/Information 58, 60, 63, 66, 67, 77, 79, 80, 84, 87, 89, 90, 101, 107, 108, 110, 112, 115, 116, 118
Receiver: TRF Receiver Designs/Info 76, 101, 102
Receiver: A very simple modular receiver 65
Receiver: Differential SA602/NE612 receiver 101
Receiver: DC Receivers 99, 110, 112
Receiver: SA602 as Receiver RF Amplifier 93
Receiver: Cascode RF Amplifier for Receiver 102
Receiver: LF Receivers using SA602 93
Receiver: Simpleceiver DC Receiver using JFET’s as DG MOSFETs 91
Receiver: Modern alternative to the crystal set! 91
Receiver: Mixers 117
Receiver: Local Oscillator Schemes for Superhets 107
Receiver: Use Meter as Varicap Tuning Display 33
Receiver: RF amp 92, 95
Receiver: Q Multiplier 110
Receiver: Sensitivity 41
Receiver, Regen: Using TV Tubes 107
Receiver: 2 Band Mixing with NE612’s 16
Receiver, Information about AM Radios; Synchronous Detection 58, 59, 100
Receiver, Digital Signal Processing Fundamentals 98
Receiver, A Simple Introduction to Software Defined Radio (SDR) 97
Receiver, Homebrewing an SDR 99
Receiver: Updated Spontaflex Rcvr 111
Resistors: As Voltage Dividers 54
RF Chokes 47
RFI, from 3 Phase Motor Inverters (link) Not in Issues
RF Stage Loose Coupler 105
RFI Febetrons & Marx Generators for RFI proofing 111
SA602 & Overtone Crystals 47
SDR:  Introduction 97
Transceiver: One tube 108
Test Gear: Meter Multipliers, Grid Dipping, DC Analysis 115, 119
Test Equip: Simple 50 Ohm Test Gear 48
Test Equip: The Dim Lamp Tester 101
Test Equip: Fault-finding/Troubleshooting 5, 71, 60, 116
Test Equip: Using the Arduino + Color Display as a Panel Meter 101
Test Equip: A Megohm meter 39
Test Equip: Parasitic Oscillator Finder 101
Test Equip: Fault-finding, Cleaning Circuit Boards 107, 116, 117
Test Equipment & Low-pass filter for DVM’s 100
Test Equip: Miscellaneous, Signal Tracer/Injector, Growler 103, 114
Test Equip: Attenuators, RF amp, dummy load 35, 39, 48
Test Equip: Counter & O’scope buffer amp 36
Test Equip: Grid Dip Oscillator, Kaliatron grid dipper 14, 31, 32, 114
Test Equip: ESR Tester 108
Test Equip: Field Strength Meter, AC/RF Field Sensor 101, 66, 118
Test Equip: Grid Dip Oscillator examples 14, 31, 32, 41
Test Equip: Harmonic Marker Generator 73
Test Equip: Measuring C, L, Hi-value R 39
Test Equip: Easy way to measure Inductance 5
Test Equip: Using an Oscilloscope + Time Bases & Triggering 15, 16, 17
Test Equip: Test Leads & Probes 12
Test Equip: Test Leads: High Voltage Probes 111
Test Equip: RF Probe without diode offset voltage 101
Test Equip: Simple RF RMS Power Meter 99
Test Equip: Multi-voltage Power Supply 76
Test Equip: Osc to test unknown coils 56
Test Equip: Oscilloscope probe, use, theory 15, 16, 17, 75
Test Equip: Peak Reading RF Voltmeter 35, 86
Test Equip: Pock-Pock RF Generator 104, 109
Test Equip: RF Power & volt Measurement 18, 85
Test Equip: Crystal Checker 22
Test Equip: SCR tester 17
Test Equip: Transistor Tester 75, 104
Test Equip: Sweep Oscillator 105
Test Equip: Noise Source 107
Test Equip: Signal Generators 82, 87
Test Equip: Simple RF Signal Generator 87
Test Equip: AF/RF Signal Tracer 101, 102, 103
Toroids 46
Transformers: About, Testing 47, 103
Transistors:  Substitute, finding 106
Transistors: Testing, pin-out (varies by mfr) 80, 107
Transmitter: Wiring “Octal” sockets to take FT241, 243 & HC6-U crystals 103
Transmitter: Harry Lythall’s 5 Watt xmtr; simple AM xmtrs 101, 114
Transmitter: PCL 86 xmtr by G4VAM, and a QRPP 2m Transmitter 112
Transmitter: 2 Tube Transmitter; 1 Component Xmtr 75, 118
Transmitter: Low Band Transmitter 87, 116
Transmitter: 6CU6 or EL84, simple 84
Transmitter: Balanced Modulator, SSB 87, 117, 118, 119
Transmitter: Gate Modulation 85
Transmitter: Linear Amp 96, 97
Transmitter: MOSFET Cathode Modulator 86
Transmitter: One tube tx-rx design 65
Transmitter: Two Tube, Using odd tube types 107
Transmitter: FET RF Power Amplifiers 9
Transmitter: The Roaring Mick 6CU6 84
Transmitter: The Mick Modulator – Cathode Modulation 85, 86
Transmitter: Output Links 82
Transmitter: Plate Supply Choke 89
Transmitter: Refurbishing a 1930’s “Plank” Xmtr 64, 65
Transmitter: Measuring RF Output Power 86
Transmitter: RF Power Measurement 85
Transmitter: Two Meters: Different Approach to 2M FM? 111
Transmitter: Two Tone Audio Oscillator for SSB Rig Tuning 8
Transmitter: Transmit/Receive changeover 112
Troubleshooting with no meter 115
Troubleshooting: Cold testing semiconductors, Resistors & Capacitors, 112 115, 116
VFO:  Misc discussion 43, 51, 98
VFO: Building and Design 8
VFO: Fine Tuning of VFO 92
VFO: Wide Range Crystal Oscillator for 80 meters 20
VFO: Mosfet example 44, 92
VFO: VFO Drift 91
VFO: VFO Ideas for Multiband CW 77
VFO: Stable VFO for 20/30/40 meters 51
VFO: Simple Fun 80 meter VFO 44
VFO: Pulling Ceramic Resonators Higher in Frequency 44
VFO: Ceramic Resonator VFO’s 13, 15
VFO: Tuning by Variable Resistor 43, 44
VFO: Wide Pull (Range) VXO 38
VFO: Pulling a Crystal Oscillator 34, 36
VFO: Harmonic VFO Possibilities 58
VFO: Using Ceramic Resonator 13
VFO: Wide Range VXO; Pullable VXO 8, 34, 36, 38
VFO: Comparisons of crystals, ceramic resonators, digital correction, DDS/Synthesizers and much general information 98
VFO: Very Stable VFO 97
VXO: About VXO’s 97
VSWR; about 46