Stealth Antennas (HOA Restrictions)

Some Thoughts on Stealth Amateur Radio Antennas

I knew a guy living under HOA restrictions who leaned an aluminum ladder against the backside of his house.  No one noticed; it was invisible from the street of course, and it was actually a vertical antenna, with the radials running along the house’s foundation plantings.  Worked well.

The obvious place to find ideas for Stealth Amateur Antennas is to do a Google search.   A few of the many ideas found there are below:

The Columbia Amateur Radio Club has a presentation on Stealth Antennas.  Not all the hyperlinks work but some do.

Here’s a roof Vent Pipe antenna which might provide some ideas for your own situation.

The 7 Top Stealth Antennas for 2022

80 – 6M somewhat stealth antenna for backyard.

Here are some general antenna ideas, including some stealth ones.

Here’s yet another idea…

Antentop’s Stealth Antenna ideas.

Some ARRL limited space or indoor antenna ideas.

Again, use Google – there are hundreds of ideas